VOLUME 16 ISSUE # 04 - Featured

FeaturedNational VOLUME 16 ISSUE # 04

Compounding climate crisis

Climate change has emerged as a serious challenge to inhabitants of the planet Earth. Inaction ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 16 ISSUE # 04

Overcharging powerless consumers

The common people have chronic complaints of overbilling against power distribution companies. Successive governments have ...
FeaturedInternational VOLUME 16 ISSUE # 04

Human capital losses from pandemic

According to a new World Bank study, the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to wipe out all ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 16 ISSUE # 04

Opposition on the warpath

The opposition parties have come up with a new challenge to the government. After months ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 16 ISSUE # 04

Depressing forecasts

International and national estimates project Pakistan’s economy to grow at 2pc in the current fiscal ...