VOLUME 19 ISSUE # 16 - National

National VOLUME 19 ISSUE # 16

Challenges for coalition government

The national elections on February 8 have, at least according to official results, created a ...
National VOLUME 19 ISSUE # 16

Are Pakistanis really tax evaders?

Successive governments in Pakistan, no matter political or unelected, have always claimed that there is ...
National VOLUME 19 ISSUE # 16

Urgent imperatives for development in merged tribal districts

In the recent national elections for the National Assembly of Pakistan and the provincial assembly ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 19 ISSUE # 16

Persistent challenges for economic stability

Moody’s recent decision to maintain Pakistan’s credit rating at Caa3 with a stable outlook highlights ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 19 ISSUE # 16

Complex economic, political challenges await Shehbaz Sharif

Assuming office in the midst of a complex web of economic, political, and social challenges, ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 19 ISSUE # 16

Potential risks and uncertainties

The economic landscape in FY2024 has been characterized by both challenges and notable strides. In ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 19 ISSUE # 16

Moody’s report: A mixture of hope and caution

Moody’s, a well-known International rating agency, has released a new report on Pakistan’s economy which ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 19 ISSUE # 16

Time to heal, not to further deepen the chasm

Amidst ongoing noise over the disputed results of a controversial election, Shehbaz Sharif has assumed ...