National VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 37

Inheritance – No end to woman vulnerability

Nighat Nawaz Chaudhry was shocked by the reply of her younger brother when she asked ...
National VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 37

Small dams may solve big issues

For the last almost two decades, depleting water resources have set alarm bells ringing for ...
National VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 37

Freedom of expression and democracy

History shows that numerous political models were developed over hundreds of years to govern and ...
EducationNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 37

Teachers smothering creativity among students

Thinking of employing pedagogical methods, taught during teacher training programmes for imparting lessons in a ...
National VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 37

Negotiating with TTP to prevent it from joining IS-K

The Pakistan government has now taken the ownership of talks with the largest militant-terrorist network, ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 37

Disturbing signs

Pakistan’s rupee is rapidly devaluing against the US dollar, while the central bank’s foreign exchange ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 37

Pakistan’s unused economic potential

There is a consensus of opinion among experts that Pakistan’s economy has immense potential for ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 37

Rising tide of threats

Recent floods in the country remind the government of increasing threats from climate change. In ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 37

The neglected children of Pakistan

According to new estimates jointly released by the UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO), Population Division ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 37

The ruling alliance’s dilemma

The coalition government is in a dilemma over holding fresh elections. Results of recent Punjab ...