National VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 52

Social media and its impact on friendships

It is simply a part of human nature to seek out companions, those who can ...
National VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 52

Riba-free banking, a step in the right direction

The government’s announcement of withdrawing its petitions against Sharia-compliant banking should be welcomed as a ...
National VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 52

Private schools fill the space, as the state fails

Like in the health and other sectors, the state of Pakistan has failed to fulfil ...
National VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 52

The future of PTI

Former Prime Minister and Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), the largest political party of Pakistan, ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 52

A gloomy picture

The Finance Ministry has projected a gloomy picture of the economy after devastating floods in ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 52

A gloomy economic scenario

There is more and more bad news for Pakistan’s economy. The World Bank’s latest release ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 52

Climate change a persistent threat to Pakistan

Climate change has turned out to be the biggest challenge to the national economy. The ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 52

Mixed signals

The rupee has stabilised, but it has not come down significantly against the US dollar, ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 52

A dangerous stand-off

Ever since the PTI government was ousted through a no-confidence motion, Pakistan has known no ...
EducationNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 52

Girls’ right to education: solution through different perspectives

Girls’ education in Pakistan has always been under attack since the creation of the country ...