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The nation deserves better

We are a nation that takes pride in wasteful extravaganza, no matter how needlessly it ...
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Time for modern policing

Since the beginning of this year, we have been hearing news of a spike in ...
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Rehabilitation needs a new approach

The recent glacial lake outburst flooding (GLOF) and torrential rains have wreaked havoc on the ...
International VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 46

Hindu nationalists now pose a global problem

India’s Hindu right wing has long advocated for its vision across the world. Overseas offshoots ...
National VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 46

Corporate farming: Good or bad?

In the first week of March, 2022, the Punjab cabinet gave approval for leasing out ...
National VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 46

Pakistan’s problems

A state fails when there prevail ignorance, corruption, disunity, class division, poverty, injustice, unethical customs, ...
EducationNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 46

Why so many girls are still out of school

Anam Fatima, Shahida Parveen and Zahida Aslam have many things in common. They all live ...
National VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 46

Growing realisation of Afghan refugees’ issue but little action

After decades, there has been growing realisation in the power corridors, especially the parliament, of ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 46

A possible solution to Pakistan’s energy crisis

Affordable energy is the backbone of sustained economic growth. One reason why Pakistan’s economy has ...
FeaturedNational VOLUME 17 ISSUE # 46

Rising uncertainties about exports, jobs

Textile factories are shutting down after the cotton crop was damaged by recent floods. The ...