Health/Sci-TechLifestyleVOLUME 19 ISSUE # 11

The ‘rainbow’ rodent that is also the world’s largest squirrel

Although the stomach and arms of Indian giant squirrels are a creamy-beige color, the rest of their pelage is a little more fancy — with hues of orange, purple and red — which is why they are nicknamed “rainbow squirrels.”

These colorful critters can grow to be up to 3 feet long — about twice the length of their American cousin, the eastern gray squirrel. They’re so big they’ve been crowned the largest squirrel species in the world by the Guinness World Records. Indian giant squirrels live exclusively in forests, where they build multiple round nests, known as dreys, high up in the trees. They use forks in the branches to support the nests and interweave them with the stems of climbing plants, before making them cozy by padding the nests with leaves. Unlike many other squirrels, Indian giant squirrels store food in the treetops.

The species is generally solitary, joining up to form pairs during its two breeding seasons — between February and March and again in August to September — synchronizing with the pre- and post-monsoon seasons. But why are Indian giant squirrels so colorful? Scientists aren’t sure, but the colorful coats may help them camouflage themselves in their forest homes. One study published in 2021 reported an Indian ground squirrel sitting completely still in leafy branches for half an hour while a serpent eagle hovered above. “They remain calm and quiet,” the authors wrote, adding that they spread their legs and gripped the branches to help avoid detection.
