Your View
Rangers’ incident
I AM both sad and angry. The Rangers’ incident reveals how those that like to talk are not talking enough about it. Ironically, what really gets me is how the people’s loathing of Nawaz Sharif sucks all objectivity out of them to the point that his evil — as they see it — is a far greater issue than the one that matters — civil-military matters.
The good news is that the N-Leaguers –and I am no fan — in my opinion, are playing their cards well. In fact, I think Mr. Ahsan Iqbal’s perfectly reasonable yet not so innocent statement — that he intends to ask the military leadership what light this most disciplined institution can shed on exactly what happened and why — is a good start.
However imperfect it is, democracy is the best system because it is a lesser evil. So, I suppose I have come to believe that Nawaz et al are by far a lesser evil than our so-called democratic choices.
I loathe corruption with a passion, and I wonder if I am not coming around to the view that better get some damned thing done than do nothing at all. I voted for Imran and marched a number of times full of passion and hope. I now think I should have had my brains examined for having done that.
We need to build and not devote all our energies to tearing down everything in sight. The tone and language of the PTI chief and what is nothing other than his own incredible greed and lust for power are just too much for me to stomach.
This is probably yet another classic case of choosing the lesser evil.
Ali Khan
Census and transgender
THE 2017 census is no less than a nightmare for transgender people. According to the census result, there are only 10,418 transgender people in the country.
This figure is clearly inaccurate and can be refuted through the available data of the number of trans-rights organisations. The arguments are being put forwarded that only-CNIC holders were counted in the census.
This argument is even more arguable, illogical and laughable. The transgender people were given the right to obtain their identity cards in 2012. Yet, this right is more confined to papers than is found in practice.
Even now this community has to go through many hurdles just to obtain a CNIC that proves their nationality. The census approach and its result depict the bleak face of our society, which even now is unable to accept the transgender people as a part of our society.
Without true numbers, this marginalised group will continue to get abused by state institutions, officials and society. The government must take pragmatic steps to ensure their correct numbers, even if it has to recount them.
Junaid Buriro
Going solar
THE United States has 9,000 companies employing 260,000 employees as disclosed ( Dawn, September 24) in spite of having a huge reserve of fossil fuel. Pakistan must also adopt the same policy so that villages can be electrified on solar power.
We must fabricate solar panels in Pakistan as this would be cost-effective, besides engaging unemployed youths waiting for jobs for a long time. The 1,000 MW Quaid-i-Azam Solar Park at Bahawalpur is under process with imported solar panels, being non-cost effective. This mode of energy is eco-friendly and free from pollution.
Roofs are best suited for the installation of solar panels which can be easily cleaned/washed so that optimum efficiency can be achieved.
Industrial estates at Karachi, Lahore and at cities elsewhere can be asked to fabricate inverters, racks, etc, required for this purpose.
Islamabad water
SECTOR G-9/4 of Islamabad has been facing an extreme shortage of water for the last four months. As compared to other sectors, the situation in this sector is quite bad. Water is supplied after three or four days’ gap and that to is in a meagre quantity, just for half an hour.
As a result, every other resident is inclined to get water through the boring source. One can see boring machines operating here and there.
The CDA high-ups are least concerned about this problem. The water tanker supply system is also not transparent. For a common man it is next to impossible to get a water tanker on affordable rates from the CDA.
There is not even a single tube-well in sector G-9/4 that could augment the thin water supply from the Simly Dam. It is hoped the CDA and the Municipal Corporation will take serious measures to improve the water supply in the area.
Ahmed Noman
Traffic jams
IN an otherwise peaceful residential area behind Ashiyana and Forum Mall in Clifton, Block 9, Karachi an increase in the number of private schools and coaching institutes has created a traffic mess as the area is boxed by three main roads, and the nearby underpass that is under construction has added to this misery.
Parking problems, shouting and loud horns have made it a marketplace. Will the Cantonment Board, Clifton, please take notice of and solve this problem?
Dr. Muhammad Zakiuddin