A Q&A session with Dr.OBT

Recently, I was delighted by the opportunity to interview renowned aesthetic plastic surgeon ad entrepreneur Dr. Osman Bashir Tahir, more famously known as Dr. OBT. Based in Lahore, Dr. OBT has been certified by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and is a globally-trained surgeon with two Masters Degrees in Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He is currently in private practice at the Halycon Medical Centre.
Q: Do you believe that aesthetic medicine can boost one’s self-esteem and confidence? Was this your initial inspiration to choose this career path?
A: I totally believe in the power of looking and feeling good. I feel that this can give you powerful positive energy, which can help you achieve more, become more successful and also more ‘likeable’!
Q: Which accomplishment of yours, are you most proud of?
A: I dislike the word “proud”, but I felt immense satisfaction at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh ceremony, as my parents and my wife were watching me. I felt I had achieved something they felt very happy about.
Q: What has been the greatest difficulty you have encountered in starting and maintaining your own successful practice in Pakistan?
A: It is tough with all the electricity, water and gas issues, everyone says you get used to it, but I still have not. It is difficult performing world-class surgeries and treatments, in these conditions, but thanks to the Almighty I am surviving.
Q: What do you feel is the key to your success?
A: Persistence. I am curious, I learn something new everyday and I read a lot. I am strong-willed and I am passionate about my work.
Q: Who are your role models?
A: Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), my father Bashir A. Tahir, Muhammad Ali and the character “Rocky”!
Q: You have your own healthcare/ skin care line. Tell us a bit about that. And how that venture started initially?
A: Whilst I was training in plastic surgery, I started doing skin peels and skin treatments on patients suffering from burn injuries. After a year I had almost 50 patients, who saw a tremendous benefit from the skin therapies I advised, after surgery. Then, when I started my private practice, I felt it would be best to start my own line, so I spent months discussing with facilities in the United States, till I found the right one and OBT Skin Health was born. OBT Healthcare was launched very recently, as a line of nutritional supplements the first two being Whole Food Multivitamins and Biotin.
Q: The skin care products, you can’t live without?
A: OBT Skin Health- Sunscreen SPF 55, Retinol and Hydradermabrasion face scrub.
Q: Generally people in Pakistan are very apprehensive or scared of aesthetic surgeries/treatments. Would you like to bust some myths about a few treatments? Such as laser hair removals, fillers or facials.
A: I don’t blame them. Unfortunately, there are plenty of quacks and untrained doctors performing surgeries they shouldn’t. Hence, a bad result spreads quickly and people assume we did it. By “we”, I am speaking about specialists, who spent years to become plastic surgeons and dermatologists. If one can check the qualifications, then you are in safe hands, as that person knows what he or she is doing, and by using substandard quality of machines or products, their practice will not last long.
Q: Would you like to bust a few myths about facial surgeries?
A: Laser hair removal does not burn skin. Fillers do not make the face bigger and facials do not damage skin. All these, I can only guarantee at Halcyon Medical Centre.
Q: There are lots of weddings coming up, what procedures/treatments would you recommend to the brides and grooms to be. So they can shine on their big day?
A: Nothing beats good sleep and healthy home food with lots of fruits and salads. We have a good range of facials and skin laser treatments that can really give a healthy glow to the face. Also OBT skin health products are very effective, provided they are started a minimum of 2 months before the big day, alongwith the treatments advised.
Q: What skin care advice would you want to give to everyone out there.
A: If something is bothering you, seek advice from a professional, and do not assume that home remedies will fix everything.
Q: Any specific advice for men and skin care?
A: I have noticed a 30% increase in male clients over the past 2 years. So apart from hair transplants, I also perform fillers for deep facial lines and my skin/laser technicians perform facials and laser hair removal for upper cheeks and neckline. Men need to be consistent with skin care products and regular with skin treatments to get healthy skin.
On that note, we would like to thank you for you time Dr.OBT. It was a pleasure talking to you.
Dr. OBT: Thank You. I equally enjoyed giving this interview. Best regards