Planning: the missing ingredient
Planning has
always been the weakest aspect of our economy. Successive five-year plans
failed to achieve their targets with the result that the pace of progress has
been extremely slow. Worse still, we have done little to identify the reasons
behind our planning failure. Since the mid-1980s successive governments in
Pakistan have been promising to emulate the Asian Tigers but could never
accomplish the miracle. For long we have talked about emulating the economic
miracle of South Korea. Mahathir’s Malaysia has once again become one of the
countries that we would like to emulate besides Hong Kong and Singapore. But
China is our ultimate inspiration. Since about the late 1990s, when Deng
Xiaoping’s reforms started bearing fruit in Mainland China, successive
governments in Islamabad have been talking about turning Pakistan into a
virtual China.
While we try to remodel Pakistan on the lines of any of the economically highly
successful countries of the day, we ignore the political, social, cultural and
economic peculiarities of Pakistan which set it apart in a lot of meaningful
ways from countries that we look upon to copy.To achieve the desired success
not only do we need to recognize these peculiarities but we need also to accept
them as such and own them without any reservations. This is the only way we can
achieve unity out of these peculiar diversities in the federation.
Pakistan is a federation composed of four distinct units plus two additional
ones, which are still out of the purview of our constitution. Each of these
units has its own distinct features. Each is ethnically different from the rest
and each has its own distinct mother tongue. Our national language, Urdu, is
not the mother tongue of our nation. The language of our rulers is English
(official language) while it is not the lingua
franca of the ruled. Culturally too, these units differ from each other in
many ways.
The stark fact is that one of the federating units is larger population-wise
than the rest of the three units put together. Economically this unit is
relatively richer and more advanced than the other three units. Another unit
size-wise is larger than all the other units put together but it is poorest of
the four and relatively less advanced. Of course, the majority of the
population inhabiting these units is made up of followers of Islam. But then in
this context as well Pakistan is five countries in one. Because of the failure
of our ruling elite to recognize these diversities and accept them as such,
those who have been ruling this country since independence have continued to
regard Pakistan as a unitary state made up of one unified Muslim nation. That
is why all our socio-economic plans, short-or medium-term, were designed for
such a country all through the last 71 years and not for one with all its
inherent peculiarities and diversities. Of course, many countries in the world
possess more challenging diversities than does Pakistan. In Asia, we have
India, Sri Lanka and China in the same class. India is, perhaps, one country
with the most diversities and peculiarities. It is more complex than the other
three. China being a one-party socialist country, has managed to dissolve its
diversities into a crucible, to a large extent. India, on the other hand has
managed these diversities and peculiarities by recognizing and accepting them
as such very early in the day; and then it has used liberal democracy to allow
all its states to develop on their own, each using its comparative
socio-economic and cultural advantages.
Pakistan, too, can overcome its diversity challenges and strike out a path to a
unified progress by first incorporating in its letter and spirit the 18th
Constitutional Amendment. However, some influential elements in the country
which seem to be still suffering from a colonial mindset believe that giving political
and financial autonomy to provinces which they believe are not yet capable of
shouldering increased responsibilities would lead to financial chaos, economic
instability and wastage of limited resources. Some of these elements seem to
even believe that “granting” full autonomy to the provinces would eventually
lead to disintegration of the country. These elements, perhaps, fear that the
smaller provinces would use the 18th Amendment to drift away from the
federation, not realizing that it was because they were being ruled all these
years as colonies from Islamabad, negating the spirit of federalism that the
three smaller provinces today seem to be suffering from a massive dose of
disillusionment with the federation itself. The reluctance of these elements
and the apprehensions of influential political elements have made it almost
impossible to draft and pass in time, relevant subordinate legislations both in
parliament and the respective provincial assemblies which is making it almost
impossible to move ahead on the game-changing constitutional reform. The 18th
Amendment renders redundant a number of federal ministries while increasing the
administrative responsibilities of the provinces in equal measure. But the
federal government is yet to abolish the redundant ministries and the provinces
are yet to receive the powers that the amendment has mandated. It is only when
we liberate the provinces from the colonial clutches of the Centre and the
local governments from the control of the provincial head-quarters that would
we be able to unleash the creative forces in each of the six federating units
which, in turn, would surely lead Pakistan on to the path of socio-economic